
Sahid Jaya Hotel & Convention Yogyakarta

Hotel Hotel Bintang 4

Delight yourself in legendary Indonesian hospitality and experience the richness of heritage at the capital of Javanese culture. Located at the prestigious area, only a few steps away from the well-knowned universities and Adisucipto International Airport as well, Sahid Jaya Hotel & Convention Yogyakarta has a long and reputable legacy since it’s first opening in July 8, 1980. The newly refurbished 620 guest rooms and suites in a lavish modern style with the subtle Javanese touches are ready to pamper you in every single need, from exceptional business purposes to memorable leisure in Yogyakarta. Experience the ultimate vacation to explore many heritages around the hotel, from the timeless beauty of Prambanan Temple to the pennywise shopping district, Malioboro Avenue. Escape to the tranquillity and catch the heavenly touches of our experienced therapist at Grand Nirwana Spa or taste a glass of mocktail or two at Baron Lounge and Mataram Poolside will be perfect choices to spend your day. So, mark your schedule and plan a relaxing getaway with family or even with your colleagues and share the happiness of your memorable moment at Yogyakarta.

Jalan Babarsari, Caturtunggal, Depok, Janti, Caturtunggal, Kec. Depok, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281
(0274) 486196
(0274) 486196

Sofia Boutique Residence

Hotel Hotel Bintang 4

A luxury property elegantly standing on the first steps of the Merapi’s flank. Its concept has been designed to trigger the feeling of being cocooned, and its location firmly supports this idea. Peaceful, quiet, relaxing and refreshing; a secluded nest offering homey and delightful experiences to its Guests The Address to stay when looking for a gateway to Yogyakarta’s culture, history and glorious past Located in the serene area of Palagan, surrounded by a golf course and residences, Sofia Boutique Residence is 8,5 kms to Adisutjipto international airport, 5,9 kms to Malioboro area, 7,1 kms to the Sultan palace (Keraton), 14 kms to Prambanan Temple - a Unesco World Heritage site, 16 kms to the Merapi golf course and 23 kms to Borobudur Temple - a Unesco World Heritage site

Edi Nugroho
Jl. Karya Utama Dsn Sedan Ngaglik Sleman Yogyakarta
0274 - 2880099

Sahid Jaya Hotel & Convention Yogyakarta

Hotel Hotel Bintang 4

Delight yourself in legendary Indonesian hospitality and experience the richness of heritage at the capital of Javanese culture. Located at the prestigious area, only a few steps away from the well-knowned universities and Adisucipto International Airport as well, Sahid Jaya Hotel & Convention Yogyakarta has a long and reputable legacy since it’s first opening in July 8, 1980.

Joko Paromo
Jl. Babarsari Tambakbayan, Yogyakarta 55281
0274 488888

Student Castle

Hotel Apartemen

Apartemen Student Castle adalah apartemen yang dibangun dengan konsep student. Apartemen ini didalamnya terbagi-bagi dalam sejumlah ruang atau unit, yang dipasarkan secara strata-title, dibangun di lahan seluas 400m2, luas bangunan SGA 11.124 m2, memiliki 2 Tower, yaitu Tower A 203 UNIT, 8 Lantai dan Tower B 203 Unit, 8 Lantai. Apartemen student castle yogyakarta merupakan suatu bangunan yang didalamnya juga terdapat fasilitas (boks store, fitness center, cafe, swimming pool dan mini market) yang dapat dimanfaatkan oleh penduduk sekitar seturan selain itu kenggulan dari student castle apartemen yogyakarta memiliki lokasi strategis, memiliki 3 akses jalan yaitu 1, jalan arah seturan, 2 jalan arah ke babarsari dan yang ke 3 arah kledokan. Dengan adanya fasilitas tersebut diharapkan para penghuni apartemen akan merasakan suatu lingkungan yang ramah, dapat mengenal para penghuni di luar seturan guna menciptakan lingkungan yang saling mendukung.

Pradana NB
Jalan Selokan Mataram, Caturtunggal, Kecamatan Depok, Kledokan, Caturtunggal, Kec. Depok, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281

Griya Persada Kaliurang

Hotel Hotel Bintang 3

Dari Konferensi hingga acara pribadi, dari grup bisnis hingga keluarga, Griya Persada Convention Hotel & Resort, Kaliurang - Yogyakarta menjadi solusi lengkap untuk semua akomodasi & kebutuhan konferensi Anda. Nikmati fasilitas A-to-Z, mulai dari kolam renang, karaoke, pusat kebugaran, pusat biliar, taman bermain, taman hidroponik, berbagai restoran dan banyak lagi.

Hariawan Tirto
Jl. Boyong No.99, Bojong, Hargobinangun, Pakem, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55585
+62 274 446 4401